So if you haven't heard, Morgan has these little toads in our room (cleverly named Toad and Toadette...). If you don't know anything about Yellow-Bellied Toads, they having a mating call that sounds exactly like "a distant dog bark" (as described by Wikipedia). This may be more than you want to know but, in the act of mating the male will grab hold of the female like so:
Apparently Toad thinks it's mating season all year around because he constantly will trap Toadette and force her into the act. It makes me feel really uncomfortable and as much as I should allow nature to take it's corse, there is nothing natural about holding two toads captive in a confined desk aquarium and forcing them to have intimate relations. So I would often intervene.
So Friday night Toadette took a final courageous leap (lol) of faith and climbed out of the aquarium. The story ends with Morgan accidentally stepping on Toadettes dried up, crusty body in the middle of our floor.
After my initial reaction of almost vomiting, I applauded Toadette's brave escape tactics.
But in other news, I tried out a new breakfast place.
Sarah and I went on a long run yesterday and ended at The Green Bean. We sat outside on a porch that was lined with mismatched coffee cups. Upstairs the renovated house that is now a cafe, is an antique shop with vintage (some over 100 years old) dresses and hats. I wish I would have brought my camera on this run to show us in all the hats, but this is picture from their website of one of the hat rooms.
I also went to "Chocolate Around the World" hosted by Foster Residence Hall. I'd have to say, kudos to the RAs for finally thinking of an event that actually drew a crowd.
We made chocolate covered strawberries and marshmallows and tasted chocolate from Switzerland, German, Tanzania, Tokyo, and Belgium. Nom, nom, nom.