So since all my requests to go overseas have been thus far unsuccessful, I have turned to this remarkable photograph as a source of vivacious inspiration for nation wide travel.
Here are some places [within US borders] I want to go:
Civil War meets Mesozoic era as visitors of this theme park are told to image themselves in the lost chapter 1863 when Confederate troops stumble upon an unexpected valley of savagely dinosaurs.
In my recent obsession with yurts, my mom found this quaint and earthly getaway just two hours south of Bloomington!
Indoor trampoline park with over 42 conjoined trampolines!
Over 600 hot air balloons participate every October in the world's largest balloon festival and most photographed event. Cool autumn temperatures, New Mexico landscape, vibrant colors soaring overhead against Southern blue skies, evening fireworks; somebody please buy me a ticket!
Due to lumber scarcity in 1906 (and a plethora of empty beer/whiskey bottles laying around this ghost town in the eastern Death Valley), Tom Kelly built this innovative home using 50,000 beer, whiskey, soda, and medicine bottles held together with adobe mud mortar.
How cool would it be to hug a redwood? They're the tallest living things on our planet reaching heights of 300-350 feet with diameters of 16-18 feet!
Burning Man (as mentioned in a previous blog post) is an annual experimental art festival that thrives in radical self-expressionism. Even their official website can't even put it's awesomeness into words: "Trying to explain what Burning Man is to someone who has never been to the even is a bit like trying to explain what a particular color looks like to someone who is blind." Clothes are option but being weird is required. |
The "Dune House" designed by William Morgan in 1975 was built into the Atlantic beach sand dunes. This natural terrain/ sustainable architecture was a precursor to the modern green movement.
Lost Paddle Rafting Guide offers a range of trips from family friendly floating down Bighorn Sheep Canyon to class V endeavors through the Royal Gorge.
And the best part- if you pee yourself in excitement, nobody will know!