Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ban the Bands

If there's one thing that grinds my gears around the holidays, it's these stupid reindeer headbands:

I don't know where this "festive" disaster came from, but there is nothing more ridiculous than a kid wearing a pair of antlers.

Oh and it only gets worse as this holiday headpiece displays an entire Christmas scene atop this woman's head:

Finally, save your pets the humiliation of being seen in a holiday headband. 

Don't kid yourself, this is not cute.  As a Christmas gift to mankind, PLEASE say no to holiday headbands. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

A day in the life...

So.. not quite sure how interesting or entertaining this whole blog thing will be to others, but I see this as a way to reflect and document my daily adventures. 

So without further ado I will begin by recounting my latest Target exhibition:

I went to Target and everything I bought was orange:

Baked Cheetos

  Herbal Essence Shampoo                      And Herbal Essence Shampoo


And I know you're wondering,     ".. Why did she buy two shampoos?" 
Well, that is an excellent question. Target thinks it's a really great idea to stock these two versions of shampoo next to each other, so even though they look like they match (shampoo and conditioner), they are actually the same thing. I, unfortunately, did not realize my mistake until I was washing my hair this evening. I guess my hair will just be really clean and really tangly until I venture out to College Mall again...